Time to make it better...

It's been quite some time since I last updated any of my games,  not that much has happened even with all that's been going on in the world at the moment.  I have been working on a project with a local company but it never worked out due to my mental health taking a dive and not being good, I had to leave it as it was just causing me significant stress but I'm now fully committed to my OWN projects and starting to add updates to my new website.

Some of my page branding is a bit outdated as I had some issues with my old website, the current url for my site is https://lwcreations.neocities.org.

I aim to sort this out soon.

As for the update to Untitled Arcade Game I've made some very subtle changes in the latest version, first change was the url on the title and information screens, I then removed some of the stuff on the demo screen as it was no longer needed. I also added the ability to add a custom PSA screen if you fancied it.

I know it's not a signification update but I do intend on adding more features in time as I do have some features in mind.

One of the features I would like to add in one day is a challenge mode, it would possibly consist of a random map layout and random challenges to keep the player on their toes, how it's implemented hasn't been planned though.


Untitled Arcade Game V1.12 8.2 MB
Jul 25, 2020

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